Clock Logo

Sometimes the problem isn't remembering to do something, it's losing track of time. I have plenty of ways to set alarms but I didn't have an effective way to deal with remembering to do those things that happen according to a time period, such as checking my e-mail three hours after I checked it last. An egg timer would do but who wants 5 egg timers ticking away on their desk.

And so ADDTimer was born. Hopefully you will find using it easy to use. It was developed to be simple to set up and even simpler to use.

Help for Users of ADDTimer

Help for Developers

ADDTimer is written in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. The help file for the application is developed with Microsoft HTML Help Workshop. Microsoft Sandcastle and Sandcastle GUI to convert the XML documentation tags in the source code to a web site.


ADDTimer Icon and Logo is by Asher. It can be found at the